Monday, April 30, 2012

Dorm Decorating

SO...the semester might be over, but it's never too early to start thinking of decorations for your dorm room!

This is one of the ways I decorated my dorm room this year.
I wanted a way to incorporate LOTS of pictures...and I decided to spell out "LOVE" because that's what I wanted the theme for my school year to be. Loving life, friends, and my last year of undergrad!!

As you can probably tell, this is a really simple project.

What you'll need:

1. 16 sheets of scrapbook paper (4 in the same color/pattern)
2. Plenty of Pictures
3. Masking Tape
4. Thumb Tacks


1. Tape four sheets of scrapbook paper together to make a giant square (do this for however many letters you want)
2. Tape on pictures!!
3. Hang on the wall with thumbtacks (if you use tape, the tape will probably take off some of the paint from the wall, so thumbtacks are the safest way to go)

If you're not a fan of the word "love," I hope this at least gave you some inspiration for another design!

Enjoy !

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