Monday, April 30, 2012

Dorm Decorating

SO...the semester might be over, but it's never too early to start thinking of decorations for your dorm room!

This is one of the ways I decorated my dorm room this year.
I wanted a way to incorporate LOTS of pictures...and I decided to spell out "LOVE" because that's what I wanted the theme for my school year to be. Loving life, friends, and my last year of undergrad!!

As you can probably tell, this is a really simple project.

What you'll need:

1. 16 sheets of scrapbook paper (4 in the same color/pattern)
2. Plenty of Pictures
3. Masking Tape
4. Thumb Tacks


1. Tape four sheets of scrapbook paper together to make a giant square (do this for however many letters you want)
2. Tape on pictures!!
3. Hang on the wall with thumbtacks (if you use tape, the tape will probably take off some of the paint from the wall, so thumbtacks are the safest way to go)

If you're not a fan of the word "love," I hope this at least gave you some inspiration for another design!

Enjoy !

Sunday, April 22, 2012

c r e a t i v i t y

One of the most important things in life (I think) is maintaining and cultivating your creativity.  I stumbled upon this image on a website, and I just thought I'd share it...

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Chalkboard Wine Glasses

So this is probably one of the coolest DIY projects that I have seen in a while…

What you’ll need:

Chalkboard Spray Paint – $8 any K-Mart or Wal-Mart
Wine Glasses
Masking or Painter’s Tape


1. Tape around the stem and up leaving what you want painted exposed

2. Spray the glass with a thin, even coat.  Hold the nozzle of the spray about 2 inches away from the glass. 

3. Let dry for about 20 minutes before repeating with a second coat on each glass. Let dry for 2 hours.

4. Remove the tape…and you’re done!

Monday, April 16, 2012

The Reason ...

So why Do-It-Yourself COLLEGE crafts, instead of just regular do-it-yourself projects?

I guess the obvious answer would be that I’m in college, and this is where I find the time and inspiration to do (and search for) DIY projects. 

But the real reason is that I like doing things for my friends.  It feels good to surprise the people that mean the most to me with something simple, but special.  My diy projects are intended for people who have a limited amount of time, as I do.  And with little time and finite resources, these projects are meant to fit in with a college student’s busy schedule. 

Also, at times, these little projects give my friends and I something low-key to do when we’re short on other hang out ideas.

I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!!

~ Liz