Monday, April 30, 2012

Dorm Decorating

SO...the semester might be over, but it's never too early to start thinking of decorations for your dorm room!

This is one of the ways I decorated my dorm room this year.
I wanted a way to incorporate LOTS of pictures...and I decided to spell out "LOVE" because that's what I wanted the theme for my school year to be. Loving life, friends, and my last year of undergrad!!

As you can probably tell, this is a really simple project.

What you'll need:

1. 16 sheets of scrapbook paper (4 in the same color/pattern)
2. Plenty of Pictures
3. Masking Tape
4. Thumb Tacks


1. Tape four sheets of scrapbook paper together to make a giant square (do this for however many letters you want)
2. Tape on pictures!!
3. Hang on the wall with thumbtacks (if you use tape, the tape will probably take off some of the paint from the wall, so thumbtacks are the safest way to go)

If you're not a fan of the word "love," I hope this at least gave you some inspiration for another design!

Enjoy !

Sunday, April 22, 2012

c r e a t i v i t y

One of the most important things in life (I think) is maintaining and cultivating your creativity.  I stumbled upon this image on a website, and I just thought I'd share it...

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Chalkboard Wine Glasses

So this is probably one of the coolest DIY projects that I have seen in a while…

What you’ll need:

Chalkboard Spray Paint – $8 any K-Mart or Wal-Mart
Wine Glasses
Masking or Painter’s Tape


1. Tape around the stem and up leaving what you want painted exposed

2. Spray the glass with a thin, even coat.  Hold the nozzle of the spray about 2 inches away from the glass. 

3. Let dry for about 20 minutes before repeating with a second coat on each glass. Let dry for 2 hours.

4. Remove the tape…and you’re done!

Monday, April 16, 2012

The Reason ...

So why Do-It-Yourself COLLEGE crafts, instead of just regular do-it-yourself projects?

I guess the obvious answer would be that I’m in college, and this is where I find the time and inspiration to do (and search for) DIY projects. 

But the real reason is that I like doing things for my friends.  It feels good to surprise the people that mean the most to me with something simple, but special.  My diy projects are intended for people who have a limited amount of time, as I do.  And with little time and finite resources, these projects are meant to fit in with a college student’s busy schedule. 

Also, at times, these little projects give my friends and I something low-key to do when we’re short on other hang out ideas.

I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!!

~ Liz

Monday, March 26, 2012

Custom Keys

Here’s something really quick and easy that a lot of my friends have started doing (and it’s free!).

This is a simple and creative way to distinguish your keys (apartment, car, etc.)
And if you live on campus (and need to return your keys at the end of the school year) nail polish remover should clean the nail polish right off. 

What You’ll Need:
1. Nail Polish
2. Paper Towels
3. Your Keys

Directions (not that you need them):
1. Paint one side of the key. Let dry and apply second coat if necessary.
2. Once dry, flip over and paint again.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Saint Patrick’s Day Jar

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day! 
For my roommates, I’m making them each a Saint Patrick’s Day Jar (an idea I found on pinterest).

I’m excited for this colorful surprise! And plus, I know it’s going to end up on our kitchen counter…giving our apartment at least some holiday spirit.

What you’ll need:

1. Mason Jars
            -pack of 12 from Shoprite is $10
2. A big bag (or 2) of Skittles or M&Ms
3. Mini Marshmallows
4. Chocolate Gold Coins


1. Drop 5 small packs of the gold coins in the bottom of the mason jar
2. Separate Skittles (or M&Ms) by color
3. Gently pour the Skittles, color by color, on top of the gold coins. Start with purple, and     
    end with red on top (remember the order of the colors of the rainbow? – ROYGBIV)
4. Top your Skittles with mini marshmallows. Pack the marshmallows on top to ensure
    the Skittles won't move

And wahla! You just bottled a leprechaun's enchanted rainbow with all of his treasured gold!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Drunken Gummies and Jolly Rancher Flavored Vodka

What better way to celebrate a 21st birthday (or any birthday, for that matter) than by giving a gift that is unique AND can be shared with all your friends?

A few weeks ago, my friends and I made vodka infused gummy bears and jolly rancher flavored vodka for our friend’s birthday…and it was such a hit!!

What you’ll need:

1. Mason Jars
            - a pack of 12 from Shoprite is $10
2. Vodka
            -Smirnoff typically costs $
3. Gummy Bears
4. Jolly Ranchers
(and about 5 days time to let the gummies and jolly ranchers soak)


For Gummies –

1. Fill mason jars 3/4 of the way with gummies (you want to leave the gummy bears      room to expand)
2. Pour in vodka until it reaches the top of the candy
3. Seal jars, and let them soak in the fridge for 5 days before serving (but be sure to stir gummies on day 3)

For Jolly Rancher Vodka –

1. Separate jolly ranchers by color
2. Put 15 jolly ranchers of the same color in each mason jar
3. Fill with vodka
4. Let soak for a day (or five, if you’re waiting for the gummies)

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Friendship Blossoms

Valentine’s Day might be over, but you don’t need a special occasion to show your friends that you care!

I remember getting something like this my freshman year.  One of my friends had a few sheets of colorful scrap paper lying around, and decided she wanted to do something creative with her time. 

What you’ll need (and probably already have):
1.  3 sheets of different colored paper            
     (one for the flower, the center, and the leaves)
2.  Scissors
3.  Tape
4.  Lollipops

1.  For each blossom, cut: three heart-shaped petals,   
                                                  two leaves
                                                  one flower center                
2.  Overlap the petals and tape the flower center in the middle.
3.  Poke a small hole in the center and slide the lollipop through.
4.  Attach the leaves to the lollipop stem and tape to secure.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


DIY College Crafts is here to provide you with fun, easy, and cheap do-it-yourself projects that you can make for yourself or your friends.  

This blog is designed to help you with everything from jazzing up a college dorm room to coming up with that perfect gift idea for a friend’s birthday.  So, if you’re stumped on what to get your friend for his or her 21st, or just can’t stand the sight of your monochromatic dorm room, you’ve come to the right place!                 

Each week a do-it-yourself idea will be posted with a picture of the finished project, easy to follow step-by-step instructions, and a shopping list of all the items you will need (but most things you will probably already have lying around). Each project will be relatively simple, and most importantly…it won’t cost you a lot of money.  

DIY College Crafts is intended to be a collaborative environment where you are encouraged to comment on posts and offer your suggestions for future DIY projects.